

Happy Ninja Day

Go do something ninjatastic. Living in Oregon, I know all about ninjas. We learned about how everyone in Oregon is a ninja back in high school, and that is totally why we moved here. Or maybe not.... Maybe it was all the breweries.

Anyway, Happy Ninja Day. Also, Happy Second Day of Hanukkah.

Learn more about Ninja Day here:



i feel so honored. my friends listed me in their friends blog list!



i am a wee bit worried. i saw idiocracy last night. it's a scenario that i actually worry a lot about: mankind is doomed b/c only stupid people are breeding. it's definitely not a feel good movie (even w/the happy ending).

so if you are smart, and you have a good heart, have a bunch of kids and raise them so that they're not uncaring morons.

also, mike judge makes good movies.



nothing very exciting, but i just got the first season of smallville from the library. i'm going to start watching the entire series untill i run out of dvds. hopefully i'll be caught up b-4 the new season starts. i've only ever seen a few episodes, but my friend mad dog raves about it every couple of minutes, so i figure i should watch it.

on the TV on dvd topic, we just got the firefly box set at target for $19.??. it's usually $50. if you've got a target around, it's $20 well spent. that is a great series.


Harry Potter: The Movie

So, we recently watched the Harry Potter movies again, and I have to say, Goblet of Fire is by far, the worst of the five movies. It was almost unwatchable. We have yet to watch #s 1 and 2, but from what I remember, they are much better than #s 3 & 4.

Order of the Phoenix was amazing, but I think that's mostly b/c Goblet of Fire was so horrible. If you haven't had the chance to see Order of the Phoenix in the 3-D IMAX, but you've already seen it, it's so not worth it. The screen doesn't really enhance the movie, and there is only one 10 to 15 minute sequence of 3-D towards the very end. Having seen the movie on a regular screen first, I had thought much of it would look great rendered in 3-D. The bit that was in 3-D was cool, but not worth $6 more than a regular version of the movie.

'k, i'm done.


harry potter experience

I'm not actually going to write more... just see my comment at Space Sector 2814


slacker lifestyle

i'm not sure what i'm listening to, but it's not bad.

just found out, it's ben kweller - "Commerce, TX"

it's okay. if you want something better, though, try The Presidents of the United States of America. their musix are really rockin'.


bye Pishy

Sad news. yesterday, our betta Pishy died. we had some pretty good years with him. we'll miss him. he was always at our entranceway, so we saw him every time we left or returned. he always begged for food, even if he had just eaten a worm half his size. he was a very spunky fish. it will be sad to go home tonight and not see him. so, a shout out to Pishy. we'll miss you.



i got you now!

i can't post a title in firefox on my debian box. that is sad.

ah, figured it out. had to get the mouse in exactly the right spot.

eat the spark electric.

try this blog out for your health. R4n+z0r C0mM@nDZZ 1T